
Advanced Printmakng: Limited Editions

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Building on skills and concepts acquired in ART206, this advanced printmaking course provides the opportunity to pursue individual studio projects using a range of media, inks and printing surfaces. Students develop a series of prints that revolve around a chosen concept using one or more printing processes that demonstrate a level of mastery. Class critiques will enhance the production of a portfolio of prints with a strong emphasis on experimentation, technical skill, conceptual strength, and aesthetic style. Each term, the class works as a design team to create a limited-edition printed item and a final pop-up show of selected prints from the term.

Building on skills and concepts acquired in ART206, this advanced printmaking course provides the opportunity to pursue individual studio projects using a range of media, inks and printing surfaces. Students develop a series of prints that revolve around a chosen concept using one or more printing processes that demonstrate a level of mastery. Class critiques will enhance the production of a portfolio of prints with a strong emphasis on experimentation, technical skill, conceptual strength, and aesthetic style. Each term, the class works as a design team to create a limited-edition printed item and a final pop-up show of selected prints from the term.


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